Tuesday, June 8, 2010

Surah 81 At-Takwir [Winding Round and Losing its Light]

81 At-Takwir

1 Itha alshshamsu kuwwirat
2 Waitha alnnujoomu inkadarat
3 Waitha aljibalu suyyirat
4 Waitha alAAisharu AAuttilat
5 Waitha alwuhooshu hushirat
6 Waitha albiharu sujjirat
7 Waitha alnnufoosu zuwwijat
8 Waitha almawoodatu suilat
9 Biayyi thanbin qutilat
10 Waitha alssuhufu nushirat
11 Waitha alssamao kushitat
12 Waitha aljaheemu suAAAAirat
13 Waitha aljannatu ozlifat
14 AAalimat nafsun ma ahdarat
15 Fala oqsimu bialkhunnasi
16 Aljawari alkunnasi
17 Waallayli itha AAasAAasa
18 Waalssubhi itha tanaffasa
19 Innahu laqawlu rasoolin kareemin
20 Thee quwwatin AAinda thee alAAarshi makeenin
21 MutaAAin thamma ameenin
22 Wama sahibukum bimajnoonin
23 Walaqad raahu bialofuqi almubeeni
24 Wama huwa AAala alghaybi bidaneenin
25 Wama huwa biqawli shaytanin rajeemin
26 Faayna tathhaboona
27 In huwa illa thikrun lilAAalameena
28 Liman shaa minkum an yastaqeema
29 Wama tashaoona illa an yashaa Allahu rabbu alAAalameena

Winding Round and Losing its Light

1 When the sun is wound round and its light is lost and is overthrown.
2 And when the stars fall.
3 And when the mountains are made to pass away;
4 And when the pregnant she-camels are neglected;
5 And when the wild beasts are gathered together.
6 And when the seas become as blazing Fire or overflow.
7 And when the souls are joined with their bodies, (the good with the good and the bad with the bad).
8 And when the female (infant) buried alive (as the pagan Arabs used to do) is questioned:
9 For what sin, was she killed?
10 And when the (written) pages [of deeds (good and bad) of every person] are laid open.
11 And when the heaven is stripped off and taken away from its place;
12 And when Hell-fire is set ablaze.
13 And when Paradise is brought near.
14 (Then) every person will know what he has brought (of good and evil).
15 So verily, I swear by the planets that recede (i.e. disappear during the day and appear during the night).
16 And by the planets that move swiftly and hide themselves.
17 And by the night as it departs.
18 And by the dawn as it brightens.
19 Verily, this is the Word (this Qur'an brought by) a most honourable messenger [Jibril (Gabril), from Allah to Prophet Muhammad صلى الله عليه وسلم].
20 Owner of power, (and high rank) with (Allah), the Lord of the Throne,
21 Obeyed (by the angels in the heavens), and trustworthy.
22 And (O people) your companion (Muhammad صلى الله عليه وسلم) is not a madman.
23 And indeed he (Muhammad صلى الله عليه وسلم) saw him [Jibril (Gabriel)] in the clear horizon (towards the east).
24 And he (Muhammad صلى الله عليه وسلم) withholds not a knowledge of the Unseen.
25 And it (the Qur'an) is not the word of the outcast Shaitan (Satan).
26 Then where are you going?
27 Verily, this (the Qur'an) is no less than a Reminder to (all) the 'Alamin (mankind and jinn)
28 To whomsoever among you who wills to walk straight.
29 And you cannot will unless (it be) that Allah wills - the Lord of the 'Alamin (mankind, jinn and all that exists).

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