1 Sooratun anzalnaha wafaradnaha waanzalna feeha ayatin bayyinatin laAAallakum tathakkaroona
2 Alzzaniyatu waalzzanee faijlidoo kulla wahidin minhuma miata jaldatin wala takhuthkum bihima rafatun fee deeni Allahi in kuntum tuminoona biAllahi waalyawmi alakhiri walyashhad AAathabahuma taifatun mina almumineena
3 Alzzanee la yankihu illa zaniyatan aw mushrikatan waalzzaniyatu la yankihuha illa zanin aw mushrikun wahurrima thalika AAala almumineena
4 Waallatheena yarmoona almuhsanati thumma lam yatoo biarbaAAati shuhadaa faijlidoohum thamaneena jaldatan wala taqbaloo lahum shahadatan abadan waolaika humu alfasiqoona
5 Illa allatheena taboo min baAAdi thalika waaslahoo fainna Allaha ghafoorun raheemun
6 Waallatheena yarmoona azwajahum walam yakun lahum shuhadao illa anfusuhum fashahadatu ahadihim arbaAAu shahadatin biAllahi innahu lamina alssadiqeena
7 Waalkhamisatu anna laAAnata Allahi AAalayhi in kana mina alkathibeena
8 Wayadrao AAanha alAAathaba an tashhada arbaAAa shahadatin biAllahi innahu lamina alkathibeena
9 Waalkhamisata anna ghadaba Allahi AAalayha in kana mina alssadiqeena
10 Walawla fadlu Allahi AAalaykum warahmatuhu waanna Allaha tawwabun hakeemun
11 Inna allatheena jaoo bialifki AAusbatun minkum la tahsaboohu sharran lakum bal huwa khayrun lakum likulli imriin minhum ma iktasaba mina alithmi waallathee tawalla kibrahu minhum lahu AAathabun AAatheemun
12 Lawla ith samiAAtumoohu thanna almuminoona waalmuminatu bianfusihim khayran waqaloo hatha ifkun mubeenun
13 Lawla jaoo AAalayhi biarbaAAati shuhadaa faith lam yatoo bialshshuhadai faolaika AAinda Allahi humu alkathiboona
14 Walawla fadlu Allahi AAalaykum warahmatuhu fee alddunya waalakhirati lamassakum fee ma afadtum feehi AAathabun AAatheemun
15 Ith talaqqawnahu bialsinatikum wataqooloona biafwahikum ma laysa lakum bihi AAilmun watahsaboonahu hayyinan wahuwa AAinda Allahi AAatheemun
16 Walawla ith samiAAtumoohu qultum ma yakoonu lana an natakallama bihatha subhanaka hatha buhtanun AAatheemun
17 YaAAithukumu Allahu an taAAoodoo limithlihi abadan in kuntum mumineena
18 Wayubayyinu Allahu lakumu alayati waAllahu AAaleemun hakeemun
19 Inna allatheena yuhibboona an tasheeAAa alfahishatu fee allatheena amanoo lahum AAathabun aleemun fee alddunya waalakhirati waAllahu yaAAlamu waantum la taAAlamoona
20 Walawla fadlu Allahi AAalaykum warahmatuhu waanna Allaha raoofun raheemun
21 Ya ayyuha allatheena amanoo la tattabiAAoo khutuwati alshshaytani waman yattabiAA khutuwati alshshaytani fainnahu yamuru bialfahshai waalmunkari walawla fadlu Allahi AAalaykum warahmatuhu ma zaka minkum min ahadin abadan walakinna Allaha yuzakkee man yashao waAllahu sameeAAun AAaleemun
22 Wala yatali oloo alfadli minkum waalssaAAati an yutoo olee alqurba waalmasakeena waalmuhajireena fee sabeeli Allahi walyaAAfoo walyasfahoo ala tuhibboona an yaghfira Allahu lakum waAllahu ghafoorun raheemun
23 Inna allatheena yarmoona almuhsanati alghafilati almuminati luAAinoo fee alddunya waalakhirati walahum AAathabun AAatheemun
24 Yawma tashhadu AAalayhim alsinatuhum waaydeehim waarjuluhum bima kanoo yaAAmaloona
25 Yawmaithin yuwaffeehimu Allahu deenahumu alhaqqa wayaAAlamoona anna Allaha huwa alhaqqu almubeenu
26 Alkhabeethatu lilkhabeetheena waalkhabeethoona lilkhabeethati waalttayyibatu lilttayyibeena waalttayyiboona lilttayyibati olaika mubarraoona mimma yaqooloona lahum maghfiratun warizqun kareemun
27 Ya ayyuha allatheena amanoo la tadkhuloo buyootan ghayra buyootikum hatta tastanisoo watusallimoo AAala ahliha thalikum khayrun lakum laAAallakum tathakkaroona
28 Fain lam tajidoo feeha ahadan fala tadkhulooha hatta yuthana lakum wain qeela lakumu irjiAAoo fairjiAAoo huwa azka lakum waAllahu bima taAAmaloona AAaleemun
29 Laysa AAalaykum junahun an tadkhuloo buyootan ghayra maskoonatin feeha mataAAun lakum waAllahu yaAAlamu ma tubdoona wama taktumoona
30 Qul lilmumineena yaghuddoo min absarihum wayahfathoo furoojahum thalika azka lahum inna Allaha khabeerun bima yasnaAAoona
31 Waqul lilmuminati yaghdudna min absarihinna wayahfathna furoojahunna wala yubdeena zeenatahunna illa ma thahara minha walyadribna bikhumurihinna AAala juyoobihinna wala yubdeena zeenatahunna illa libuAAoolatihinna aw abaihinna aw abai buAAoolatihinna aw abnaihinna aw abnai buAAoolatihinna aw ikhwanihinna aw banee ikhwanihinna aw banee akhawatihinna aw nisaihinna aw ma malakat aymanuhunna awi alttabiAAeena ghayri olee alirbati mina alrrijali awi alttifli allatheena lam yathharoo AAala AAawrati alnnisai wala yadribna biarjulihinna liyuAAlama ma yukhfeena min zeenatihinna watooboo ila Allahi jameeAAan ayyuha almuminoona laAAallakum tuflihoona
32 Waankihoo alayama minkum waalssaliheena min AAibadikum waimaikum in yakoonoo fuqaraa yughnihimu Allahu min fadlihi waAllahu wasiAAun AAaleemun
33 WalyastaAAfifi allatheena la yajidoona nikahan hatta yughniyahumu Allahu min fadlihi waallatheena yabtaghoona alkitaba mimma malakat aymanukum fakatiboohum in AAalimtum feehim khayran waatoohum min mali Allahi allathee atakum wala tukrihoo fatayatikum AAala albighai in aradna tahassunan litabtaghoo AAarada alhayati alddunya waman yukrihhunna fainna Allaha min baAAdi ikrahihinna ghafoorun raheemun
34 Walaqad anzalna ilaykum ayatin mubayyinatin wamathalan mina allatheena khalaw min qablikum wamawAAithatan lilmuttaqeena
35 Allahu nooru alssamawati waalardi mathalu noorihi kamishkatin feeha misbahun almisbahu fee zujajatin alzzujajatu kaannaha kawkabun durriyyun yooqadu min shajaratin mubarakatin zaytoonatin la sharqiyyatin wala gharbiyyatin yakadu zaytuha yudeeo walaw lam tamsashu narun noorun AAala noorin yahdee Allahu linoorihi man yashao wayadribu Allahu alamthala lilnnasi waAllahu bikulli shayin AAaleemun
36 Fee buyootin athina Allahu an turfaAAa wayuthkara feeha ismuhu yusabbihu lahu feeha bialghuduwwi waalasali
37 Rijalun la tulheehim tijaratun wala bayAAun AAan thikri Allahi waiqami alssalati waeetai alzzakati yakhafoona yawman tataqallabu feehi alquloobu waalabsaru
38 Liyajziyahumu Allahu ahsana ma AAamiloo wayazeedahum min fadlihi waAllahu yarzuqu man yashao bighayri hisabin
39 Waallatheena kafaroo aAAmaluhum kasarabin biqeeAAatin yahsabuhu alththamanu maan hatta itha jaahu lam yajidhu shayan wawajada Allaha AAindahu fawaffahu hisabahu waAllahu sareeAAu alhisabi
40 Aw kathulumatin fee bahrin lujjiyyin yaghshahu mawjun min fawqihi mawjun min fawqihi sahabun thulumatun baAAduha fawqa baAAdin itha akhraja yadahu lam yakad yaraha waman lam yajAAali Allahu lahu nooran fama lahu min noorin
41 Alam tara anna Allaha yusabbihu lahu man fee alssamawati waalardi waalttayru saffatin kullun qad AAalima salatahu watasbeehahu waAllahu AAaleemun bima yafAAaloona
42 Walillahi mulku alssamawati waalardi waila Allahi almaseeru
43 Alam tara anna Allaha yuzjee sahaban thumma yuallifu baynahu thumma yajAAaluhu rukaman fatara alwadqa yakhruju min khilalihi wayunazzilu mina alssamai min jibalin feeha min baradin fayuseebu bihi man yashao wayasrifuhu AAan man yashao yakadu sana barqihi yathhabu bialabsari
44 Yuqallibu Allahu allayla waalnnahara inna fee thalika laAAibratan liolee alabsari
45 WaAllahu khalaqa kulla dabbatin min main faminhum man yamshee AAala batnihi waminhum man yamshee AAala rijlayni waminhum man yamshee AAala arbaAAin yakhluqu Allahu ma yashao inna Allaha AAala kulli shayin qadeerun
46 Laqad anzalna ayatin mubayyinatin waAllahu yahdee man yashao ila siratin mustaqeemin
47 Wayaqooloona amanna biAllahi wabialrrasooli waataAAna thumma yatawalla fareequn minhum min baAAdi thalika wama olaika bialmumineena
48 Waitha duAAoo ila Allahi warasoolihi liyahkuma baynahum itha fareequn minhum muAAridoona
49 Wain yakun lahumu alhaqqu yatoo ilayhi muthAAineena
50 Afee quloobihim maradun ami irtaboo am yakhafoona an yaheefa Allahu AAalayhim warasooluhu bal olaika humu alththalimoona
51 Innama kana qawla almumineena itha duAAoo ila Allahi warasoolihi liyahkuma baynahum an yaqooloo samiAAna waataAAna waolaika humu almuflihoona
52 Waman yutiAAi Allaha warasoolahu wayakhsha Allaha wayattaqhi faolaika humu alfaizoona
53 Waaqsamoo biAllahi jahda aymanihim lain amartahum layakhrujunna qul la tuqsimoo taAAatun maAAroofatun inna Allaha khabeerun bima taAAmaloona
54 Qul ateeAAoo Allaha waateeAAoo alrrasoola fain tawallaw fainnama AAalayhi ma hummila waAAalaykum ma hummiltum wain tuteeAAoohu tahtadoo wama AAala alrrasooli illa albalaghu almubeena
55 WaAAada Allahu allatheena amanoo minkum waAAamiloo alssalihati layastakhlifannahum fee alardi kama istakhlafa allatheena min qablihim walayumakkinanna lahum deenahumu allathee irtada lahum walayubaddilannahum min baAAdi khawfihim amnan yaAAbudoonanee la yushrikoona bee shayan waman kafara baAAda thalika faolaika humu alfasiqoona
56 Waaqeemoo alssalata waatoo alzzakata waateeAAoo alrrasoola laAAallakum turhamoona
57 La tahsabanna allatheena kafaroo muAAjizeena fee alardi wamawahumu alnnaru walabisa almaseeru
58 Ya ayyuha allatheena amanoo liyastathinkumu allatheena malakat aymanukum waallatheena lam yablughoo alhuluma minkum thalatha marratin min qabli salati alfajri waheena tadaAAoona thiyabakum mina alththaheerati wamin baAAdi salati alAAishai thalathu AAawratin lakum laysa AAalaykum wala AAalayhim junahun baAAdahunna tawwafoona AAalaykum baAAdukum AAala baAAdin kathalika yubayyinu Allahu lakumu alayati waAllahu AAaleemun hakeemun
59 Waitha balagha alatfalu minkumu alhuluma falyastathinoo kama istathana allatheena min qablihim kathalika yubayyinu Allahu lakum ayatihi waAllahu AAaleemun hakeemun
60 WaalqawaAAidu mina alnnisai allatee la yarjoona nikahan falaysa AAalayhinna junahun an yadaAAna thiyabahunna ghayra mutabarrijatin bizeenatin waan yastaAAfifna khayrun lahunna waAllahu sameeAAun AAaleemun
61 Laysa AAala alaAAma harajun wala AAala alaAAraji harajun wala AAala almareedi harajun wala AAala anfusikum an takuloo min buyootikum aw buyooti abaikum aw buyooti ommahatikum aw buyooti ikhwanikum aw buyooti akhawatikum aw buyooti aAAmamikum aw buyooti AAammatikum aw buyooti akhwalikum aw buyooti khalatikum aw ma malaktum mafatihahu aw sadeeqikum laysa AAalaykum junahun an takuloo jameeAAan aw ashtatan faitha dakhaltum buyootan fasallimoo AAala anfusikum tahiyyatan min AAindi Allahi mubarakatan tayyibatan kathalika yubayyinu Allahu lakumu alayati laAAallakum taAAqiloona
62 Innama almuminoona allatheena amanoo biAllahi warasoolihi waitha kanoo maAAahu AAala amrin jamiAAin lam yathhaboo hatta yastathinoohu inna allatheena yastathinoonaka olaika allatheena yuminoona biAllahi warasoolihi faitha istathanooka libaAAdi shanihim fathan liman shita minhum waistaghfir lahumu Allaha inna Allaha ghafoorun raheemun
63 La tajAAaloo duAAaa alrrasooli baynakum kaduAAai baAAdikum baAAdan qad yaAAlamu Allahu allatheena yatasallaloona minkum liwathan falyahthari allatheena yukhalifoona AAan amrihi an tuseebahum fitnatun aw yuseebahum AAathabun aleemun
64 Ala inna lillahi ma fee alssamawati waalardi qad yaAAlamu ma antum AAalayhi wayawma yurjaAAoona ilayhi fayunabbiohum bima AAamiloo waAllahu bikulli shayin AAaleemun

The Light
1 (This is) a Surah (chapter of the Qur'an) which We have sent down and which We have enjoined, (ordained its laws); and in it We have revealed manifest Ayat (proofs, evidence, verses, lessons, signs, revelations - lawful and unlawful things, and set boundaries of Islamic Religion), that you may remember.
2 The fornicatress and the fornicator, flog each of them with a hundred stripes. Let not pity withhold you in their case, in a punishment prescribed by Allah, if you believe in Allah and the Last Day. And let a party of the believers witness their punishment. (This punishment is for unmarried persons guilty of the above crime, but if married persons commit it (illegal sex), the punishment is to stone them to death, according to Allah's Law).
3 The adulterer-fornicator marries not but an adulteress-fornicatress or a Mushrikah, and the adulteress-fornicatress none marries her except an adulterer-fornicator or a Muskrik [and that means that the man who agrees to marry (have a sexual relation with) a Mushrikah (female polytheist, pagan or idolatress) or a prostitute, then surely he is either an adulterer-fornicator, or a Mushrik (polytheist, pagan or idolater). And the woman who agrees to marry (have a sexual relation with) a Mushrik (polytheist, pagan or idolater) or an adulterer-fornicator, then she is either a prostitute or a Mushrikah (female polytheist, pagan, or idolatress)]. Such a thing is forbidden to the believers (of Islamic Monotheism).
4 And those who accuse chaste women, and produce not four witnesses, flog them with eighty stripes, and reject their testimony forever. They indeed are the Fasiqun (liars, rebellious, disobedient to Allah).
5 Except those who repent thereafter and do righteous deeds; (for such) verily, Allah is Oft-Forgiving, Most Merciful.
6 And for those who accuse their wives, but have no witnesses except themselves, let the testimony of one of them be four testimonies (i.e. testifies four times) by Allah that he is one of those who speak the truth.
7 And the fifth (testimony should be) the invoking of the Curse of Allah on him if he be of those who tell a lie (against her).
8 But it shall avert the punishment (of stoning to death) from her, if she bears witness four times by Allah, that he (her husband) is telling a lie.
9 And the fifth (testimony) should be that the Wrath of Allah be upon her if he (her husband) speaks the truth.
10 And had it not been for the Grace of Allah and His Mercy on you (He would have hastened the punishment upon you)! And that Allah is the One Who forgives and accepts repentance, the All-Wise.
11 Verily those who brought forth the slander (against 'Aishah رضي الله عنها the wife of the Prophet صلى الله عليه وسلم) are a group among you. Consider it not a bad thing for you. Nay, it is good for you. Unto every man among them will be paid that which he had earned of the sin, and as for him among them who had the greater share therein, his will be a great torment.
12 Why then, did not the believers, men and women, when you heard it (the slander), think good of their own people and say: "This (charge) is an obvious lie ?"
13 Why did they not produce four witnesses? Since they (the slanderers) have not produced witnesses! Then with Allah they are the liars.
14 Had it not been for the Grace of Allah and His Mercy unto you in this world and in the Hereafter, a great torment would have touched you for that whereof you had spoken.
15 When you were propagating it with your tongues, and uttering with your mouths that whereof you had no knowledge, you counted it a little thing, while with Allah it was very great.
16 And why did you not, when you heard it, say: "It is not right for us to speak of this. Glory be to You (O Allah)! This is a great lie."
17 Allah forbids you from it and warns you not to repeat the like of it forever, if you are believers.
18 And Allah makes the Ayat (proofs, evidence, verses, lessons, signs, revelations, etc.) plain to you, and Allah is All-Knowing, All-Wise.
19 Verily, those who like that (the crime of) illegal sexual intercourse should be propagated among those who believe, they will have a painful torment in this world and in the Hereafter. And Allah knows and you know not.
20 And had it not been for the Grace of Allah and His Mercy on you, (Allah would have hastened the punishment upon you). And that Allah is full of Kindness, Most Merciful.
21 O you who believe! Follow not the footsteps of Shaitan (Satan). And whosoever follows the footsteps of Shaitan (Satan), then, verily he commands Al-Fahsha' [i.e. to commit indecency (illegal sexual intercourse)], and Al-Munkar [disbelief and polytheism (i.e. to do evil and wicked deeds; and to speak or to do what is forbidden in Islam)]. And had it not been for the Grace of Allah and His Mercy on you, not one of you would ever have been pure from sins. But Allah purifies (guides to Islam) whom He wills, and Allah is All-Hearer, All-Knower.
22 And let not those among you who are blessed with graces and wealth swear not to give (any sort of help) to their kinsmen, Al-Masakin (the poor), and those who left their homes for Allah's Cause. Let them pardon and forgive. Do you not love that Allah should forgive you? And Allah is Oft-Forgiving, Most Merciful.
23 Verily, those who accuse chaste women, who never even think of anything touching their chastity and are good believers - are cursed in this life and in the Hereafter, and for them will be a great torment -
24 On the Day when their tongues, their hands, and their legs (or feet) will bear witness against them as to what they used to do.
25 On that Day Allah will pay them the recompense of their deeds in full, and they will know that Allah, He is the Manifest Truth.
26 Bad statements are for bad people (or bad women for bad men) and bad people for bad statements (or bad men for bad women). Good statements are for good people (or good women for good men) and good people for good statements (or good men for good women): such (good people) are innocent of (every) bad statement which they say; for them is Forgiveness, and Rizqun Karim (generous provision i.e. Paradise).
27 O you who believe! Enter not houses other than your own, until you have asked permission and greeted those in them; that is better for you, in order that you may remember.
28 And if you find no one therein, still, enter not until permission has been given. And if you are asked to go back, go back, for it is purer for you. And Allah is All-Knower of what you do.
29 There is no sin on you that you enter (without taking permission) houses uninhabited (i.e. not possessed by anybody), (when) you have any interest in them. And Allah has knowledge of what you reveal and what you conceal.
30 Tell the believing men to lower their gaze (from looking at forbidden things), and protect their private parts (from illegal sexual acts). That is purer for them. Verily, Allah is All-Aware of what they do.
31 And tell the believing women to lower their gaze (from looking at forbidden things), and protect their private parts (from illegal sexual acts) and not to show off their adornment except only that which is apparent (like both eyes for necessity to see the way, or outer palms of hands or one eye or dress like veil, gloves, head-cover, apron, etc.), and to draw their veils all over Juyubihinna (i.e. their bodies, faces, necks and bosoms) and not to reveal their adornment except to their husbands, or their fathers, or their husband's fathers, or their sons, or their husband's sons, or their brothers or their brother's sons, or their sister's sons, or their (Muslim) women (i.e. their sisters in Islam), or the (female) slaves whom their right hands possess, or old male servants who lack vigour, or small children who have no sense of feminine sex. And let them not stamp their feet so as to reveal what they hide of their adornment. And all of you beg Allah to forgive you all, O believers, that you may be successful.
32 And marry those among you who are single (i.e. a man who has no wife and the woman who has no husband) and (also marry) the Salihun (pious, fit and capable ones) of your (male) slaves and maid-servants (female slaves). If they be poor, Allah will enrich them out of His Bounty. And Allah is All-Sufficient for His creatures' needs, All-Knowing (about the state of the people).
33 And let those who find not the financial means for marriage keep themselves chaste, until Allah enriches them of His Bounty. And such of your slaves as seek a writing (of emancipation), give them such writing, if you find that there is good and honesty in them. And give them something (yourselves) out of the wealth of Allah which He has bestowed upon you. And force not your maids to prostitution, if they desire chastity, in order that you may make a gain in the (perishable) goods of this worldly life. But if anyone compels them (to prostitution), then after such compulsion, Allah is Oft-Forgiving, Most Merciful (to those women, i.e. He will forgive them because they have been forced to do this evil act unwillingly).
34 And indeed We have sent down for you Ayat (proofs, evidence, verses, lessons, signs, revelations, etc.) that make things plain, and the example of those who passed away before you, and an admonition for those who are Al-Muttaqun (the pious - See V.2:2).
35 Allah is the Light of the heavens and the earth. The parable of His Light is as (if there were) a niche and within it a lamp: the lamp is in a glass, the glass as it were a brilliant star, lit from a blessed tree, an olive, neither of the east (i.e. neither it gets sun-rays only in the morning) nor of the west (i.e. nor it gets sun-rays only in the afternoon, but it is exposed to the sun all day long), whose oil would almost glow forth (of itself), though no fire touched it. Light upon Light! Allah guides to His Light whom He wills. And Allah sets forth parables for mankind, and Allah is All-Knower of everything.
36 In houses (mosques) which Allah has ordered to be raised (to be cleaned, and to be honoured), in them His Name is remembered [i.e. Adhan, Iqamah, Salat (prayers), invocations, recitation of the Qur'an etc.]. Therein glorify Him (Allah) in the mornings and in the afternoons or the evenings,
37 Men whom neither trade nor sale (business) diverts from the Remembrance of Allah (with heart and tongue), nor from performing As-Salat (Iqamat-as-Salat), nor from giving the Zakat. They fear a Day when hearts and eyes will be overturned (out of the horror of the torment of the Day of Resurrection).
38 That Allah may reward them according to the best of their deeds, and add even more for them out of His Grace. And Allah provides without measure to whom He wills.
39 As for those who disbelieve, their deeds are like a mirage in a desert. The thirsty one thinks it to be water, until he comes up to it, he finds it to be nothing; but he finds Allah with him, Who will pay him his due (Hell). And Allah is Swift in taking account.
40 Or [the state of a disbeliever] is like the darkness in a vast deep sea, overwhelmed with waves topped by waves, topped by dark clouds, (layers of) darkness upon darkness: if a man stretches out his hand, he can hardly see it! And he for whom Allah has not appointed light, for him there is no light.
41 See you not (O Muhammad صلى الله عليه وسلم) that Allah, He it is Whom glorify whosoever is in the heavens and the earth, and the birds with wings out-spread (in their flight)?. Of each one He (Allah) knows indeed his Salat (prayer) and his glorification, [or everyone knows his Salat (prayer) and his glorification]; and Allah is All-Aware of what they do.
42 And to Allah belongs the sovereignty of the heavens and the earth, and to Allah is the return (of all).
43 See you not that Allah drives the clouds gently, then joins them together, then makes them into a heap of layers, and you see the rain comes forth from between them; and He sends down from the sky hail (like) mountains, (or there are in the heaven mountains of hail from where He sends down hail), and strikes therewith whom He wills, and averts it from whom He wills. The vivid flash of its (clouds) lightning nearly blinds the sight. [Tafsir At-Tabari].
44 Allah causes the night and the day to succeed each other (i.e. if the day is gone, the night comes, and if the night is gone, the day comes, and so on). Truly, in this is indeed a lesson for those who have insight.
45 Allah has created every moving (living) creature from water. Of them there are some that creep on their bellies, and some that walk on two legs, and some that walk on four. Allah creates what He wills. Verily Allah is Able to do all things.
46 We have indeed sent down (in this Qur'an) manifest Ayat (proofs, evidence, verses, lessons, signs, revelations, lawful and unlawful things, and the set boundaries of Islamic religion, etc. that make things clear showing the Right Path of Allah). And Allah guides whom He wills to the Straight Path (i.e. to Allah's religion of Islamic Monotheism).
47 They (hypocrites) say: "We have believed in Allah and in the Messenger (Muhammad صلى الله عليه وسلم), and we obey," then a party of them turn away thereafter, such are not believers.
48 And when they are called to Allah (i.e. His Words, the Qur'an) and His Messenger (صلى الله عليه وسلم), to judge between them, lo! a party of them refuses (to come) and turns away.
49 But if the truth is on their side, they come to him willingly with submission.
50 Is there a disease in their hearts? Or do they doubt or fear lest Allah and His Messenger (صلى الله عليه وسلم) should wrong them in judgement. Nay, it is they themselves who are the Zalimun (polytheists, hypocrites and wrong-doers).
51 The only saying of the faithful believers, when they are called to Allah (His Words, the Qur'an) and His Messenger (صلى الله عليه وسلم), to judge between them, is that they say: "We hear and we obey." And such are the successful (who will live forever in Paradise).
52 And whosoever obeys Allah and His Messenger (صلى الله عليه وسلم), fears Allah, and keeps his duty (to Him), such are the successful.
53 They swear by Allah their strongest oaths, that if only you would order them, they would leave (their homes for fighting in Allah's Cause). Say: "Swear you not; (this) obedience (of yours) is known (to be false). Verily, Allah knows well what you do."
54 Say: "Obey Allah and obey the Messenger, but if you turn away, he (Messenger Muhammad صلى الله عليه وسلم) is only responsible for the duty placed on him (i.e. to convey Allah's Message) and you for that placed on you. If you obey him, you shall be on the right guidance. The Messenger's duty is only to convey (the message) in a clear way (i.e. to preach in a plain way)."
55 Allah has promised those among you who believe and do righteous good deeds, that He will certainly grant them succession to (the present rulers) in the land, as He granted it to those before them, and that He will grant them the authority to practise their religion which He has chosen for them (i.e. Islam). And He will surely give them in exchange a safe security after their fear (provided) they (believers) worship Me and do not associate anything (in worship) with Me. But whoever disbelieves after this, they are the Fasiqun (rebellious, disobedient to Allah).
56 And perform As-Salat (Iqamat-as-Salat), and give Zakat and obey the Messenger (Muhammad صلى الله عليه وسلم) that you may receive mercy (from Allah).
57 Consider not that the disbelievers can escape in the land. Their abode shall be the Fire - and worst indeed is that destination.
58 O you who believe! Let your slaves and slave-girls, and those among you who have not come to the age of puberty ask your permission (before they come to your presence) on three occasions: before Fajr (morning) Salat (prayer), and while you put off your clothes for the noonday (rest), and after the 'Isha' (late-night) Salat (prayer). (These) three times are of privacy for you; other than these times there is no sin on you or on them to move about, attending to each other. Thus Allah makes clear the Ayat (the Verses of this Qur'an, showing proofs for the legal aspects of permission for visits) to you. And Allah is All-Knowing, All-Wise.
59 And when the children among you come to puberty, then let them (also) ask for permission, as those senior to them (in age). Thus Allah makes clear His Ayat (Commandments and legal obligations) for you. And Allah is All-Knowing, All-Wise.
60 And as for women past child-bearing who do not expect wed-lock, it is no sin on them if they discard their (outer) clothing in such a way as not to show their adornment. But to refrain (i.e. not to discard their outer clothing) is better for them. And Allah is All-Hearer, All-Knower.
61 There is no restriction on the blind, nor any restriction on the lame, nor any restriction on the sick, nor on yourselves, if you eat from your houses, or the houses of your fathers, or the houses of your mothers, or the houses of your brothers, or the houses of your sisters, or the houses of your father's brothers, or the houses of your father's sisters, or the houses of your mother's brothers, or the houses of your mother's sisters, or (from that) whereof you hold keys, or (from the house) of a friend. No sin on you whether you eat together or apart. But when you enter the houses, greet one another with a greeting from Allah (i.e. say: السلام عليكم) As-Salamu 'Alaikum - peace be on you) blessed and good. Thus Allah makes clear the Ayat (these Verses or your religious symbols and signs) to you that you may understand.
62 The true believers are only those, who believe in (the Oneness of) Allah and His Messenger (Muhammad صلى الله عليه وسلم): and when they are with him on some common matter, they go not away until they have asked his permission. Verily those who ask your permission, those are they who (really) believe in Allah and His Messenger. So if they ask your permission for some affairs of theirs, give permission to whom you will of them, and ask Allah for their forgiveness. Truly, Allah is Oft-Forgiving, Most Merciful.
63 Make not the calling of the Messenger (Muhammad صلى الله عليه وسلم) among you as your calling one of another. Allah knows those of you who slip away under shelter (of some excuse without taking the permission to leave, from the Messenger (صلى الله عليه وسلم). And let those who oppose the Messenger's (Muhammad صلى الله عليه وسلم) commandment (i.e. his Sunnah - legal ways, orders, acts of worship, statements) (among the sects) beware, lest some Fitnah (disbelief, trials, afflictions, earthquakes, killing, overpowered by a tyrant) should befall them or a painful torment be inflicted on them.
64 Certainly, to Allah belongs all that is in the heavens and the earth. Surely, He knows your condition and (He knows) the Day when they will be brought back to Him, then He will inform them of what they did. And Allah is All-Knower of everything.
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